BondLink provides tools to provide clarity and transparency in an industry that is often overly complicated and convoluted. BondLink has two major users: sell-side participants in the municipal bond market, e.g. issuers (primary) and buy-side participants, e.g. investors (secondary). For sell-side, BondLink ultimately helps to drive demand for their bond sales. On buy-side, BondLink makes it easier for investors to find the information they seek so they can learn more about your bonds and make confident investing decisions.
Investor Portal
The Investor Portal was originally built in 2015, and since then, our company and products have evolved significantly. When we started, we focused on the direct transaction of an Issuer issuing a primary bond sale for Investors. Our product roadmap ahead included other market participants, not just Issuers and Investors. It was a good time to take a step back, examine our user groups in a more market-holistic way, and retool our personas and jobs to be done (from the product side, not marketing) for the first three user groups: sell-side personas, Issuers and BondLink Issuer Success team (first button), and buy-side personas, Investors (second button).